Friday, January 8, 2016

Old & new goals

Having a day off work and having Taylor gone all day at work left me with a lot of free time on my hands. Normally I would have struggled getting ready, ran up the street to smiths, bought a Ben & Jerry's half baked ice cream & a Dr pepper, then rush home to snuggle up back in bed with all my blankets and binge watch Netflix all day long. But today I felt a rush of energy and decided to run some errands and ended up back at home sorting through some unpacked boxes. I found a ton of things I forgot I even had, put all the baby's clothes in his room, and I found an old journal. I was excited to read it, but found I had only written in one page. One page. Haha I was never one for writing journals, I found better use of jotting down my thoughts and taping in memories, pictures, movie tickets, letters, etc. Kinda like a wreck it journal, just my own version of one, and before it was even a thing. 
Anyways, that one page was a list of goals I wanted to achieve before I was 25, 10 years from then. I laughed at some of my goals seeing how much I had changed as a person, and some I completely forgot I even wanted to achieve and I was amazed by what I wanted to do with my life. Here's just a few of those goals I laughed and admired:
•find myself
•write & publish a lifestyle book
•publish a cookbook
•attend school, even if it's not a college

•find love, even if it's loving yourself, find it

•eat healthier & drink more water
•be a better photographer 
•find a hobby and become an expert at it

•build better relationships & friendships
•try things
•have a routine
•buy a car

•find a job I love & stick with it

•dress to impress

•find pure happiness

•be a better person 
•try something new everyday
I laughed at the gym goals and eating healthier because I feel like every person has a goal like that on their list every year, and to buy a car..definitely a hard lesson learned there. But I was amazed at some of the things I wanted to do, I had more wisdom in me than I ever thought. My goals might have slightly changed over the years, I definitely am in a different place with a growing family of my own, trying to decide on a career and what to do with school, but I'm pretty proud of how far I've come, and I'm excited to see where I'll be at when I am 25! Just 5 more years! Ah kinda scary but exciting!

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