Monday, January 25, 2016

Myles Myles Myles

Myles has shown signs that he wants to come into the world a lot sooner than February 14th, and I might have been in denial about all the facts and signs, I was finally forced into packing a hospital bag.
After wandering Walmart and looking at cute baby clothes and finally figuring out what I needed, I did it. I'm ready.
Myles, I would prefer you coming out after the 7th so I can finish my last week at work, but I'm ready. Well, as ready as I'll ever be.

I may have bought end him a few things.. (: 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

36.5 weeks

My view most days looks a lot like this. Minus the feet. Haha I love this little boy so much. My stomach may itch, a lot, my feet only fit in these shoes, my belly button might be beginning to show, but I love him. He makes it worth it.

Shirt: "I'M SO PREGNANT" Subscribe to recieve discount! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

MilkSnob & Carseat Canopy

My carseat covers finally came and I am in love! I'm so excited! Yes, I bought 4. Why? Because I couldn't just buy one. I needed all of them. AND I originally fell in love with the carseat canopy brand awhile back but then through Instagram found MilkSnob covers and I couldn't resist! So I bought one of each, plus 2 additional carseat canopies because they have an amazing deal going on! 40% off your purschase, plus after the first cover you buy, you can add any additional cover, up to 2, for $10! They're originally $49.95! So it's an amazing promo going on now! I highly recommend taking up this offer before it dissapears!

MilkSnob web address:

Hunter (camo)



Carseat Canopy Web address:

If anyone else has another brand they love & would suggest or I am looking into baby wraps, let me know your favorites!!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

32 days left

I'm getting anxious waiting for Myles to get here, I only have 32 days left! Feels like times just flying by! 
The past week has been rough. I've been sleep deprived, work slowed down, A LOT, but it's retail so January is always slow, my sciatic nerve always gives me a hard time in the mornings because all his weight is on it and I can hardly use my leg in the mornings because of it, the hives and rashes are constant, benadryl has become my best friend. Ifeel ginormous all the time, it's hard finding reasons to get out of bed most days.

I feel like we're almost ready for this baby to come, we have a majority of things we need, we lack the basics tho, but I recently bought a MilkSnob carseat cover, & 3 carseat canopy carseat covers, a "I'm so pregnant" t-shirt from Kidteez, & a dress from Plush Maternity. I can not wait to get my hands on all these items! Shopping for Myles has been my absolutely favorite part of this pregnancy. 
We have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning and I will write an update! 

Baby bump: we're huge. Haha (:

Friday, January 8, 2016

Old & new goals

Having a day off work and having Taylor gone all day at work left me with a lot of free time on my hands. Normally I would have struggled getting ready, ran up the street to smiths, bought a Ben & Jerry's half baked ice cream & a Dr pepper, then rush home to snuggle up back in bed with all my blankets and binge watch Netflix all day long. But today I felt a rush of energy and decided to run some errands and ended up back at home sorting through some unpacked boxes. I found a ton of things I forgot I even had, put all the baby's clothes in his room, and I found an old journal. I was excited to read it, but found I had only written in one page. One page. Haha I was never one for writing journals, I found better use of jotting down my thoughts and taping in memories, pictures, movie tickets, letters, etc. Kinda like a wreck it journal, just my own version of one, and before it was even a thing. 
Anyways, that one page was a list of goals I wanted to achieve before I was 25, 10 years from then. I laughed at some of my goals seeing how much I had changed as a person, and some I completely forgot I even wanted to achieve and I was amazed by what I wanted to do with my life. Here's just a few of those goals I laughed and admired:
•find myself
•write & publish a lifestyle book
•publish a cookbook
•attend school, even if it's not a college

•find love, even if it's loving yourself, find it

•eat healthier & drink more water
•be a better photographer 
•find a hobby and become an expert at it

•build better relationships & friendships
•try things
•have a routine
•buy a car

•find a job I love & stick with it

•dress to impress

•find pure happiness

•be a better person 
•try something new everyday
I laughed at the gym goals and eating healthier because I feel like every person has a goal like that on their list every year, and to buy a car..definitely a hard lesson learned there. But I was amazed at some of the things I wanted to do, I had more wisdom in me than I ever thought. My goals might have slightly changed over the years, I definitely am in a different place with a growing family of my own, trying to decide on a career and what to do with school, but I'm pretty proud of how far I've come, and I'm excited to see where I'll be at when I am 25! Just 5 more years! Ah kinda scary but exciting!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A letter for moms to be

Found this article and it was a huge eye opener and I wanted to share with anyone who wants to read it:

Oh, momma. I see you over there in the diaper aisle of Target, stuffing your face with popcorn, icee tucked carefully between your arm and baby bump. You’re staring at eight different kinds of baby wipes trying to make life-impacting decisions for your unborn child: scented vs. unscented, organic vs. non-organic, name brand vs. generic.
Your brow furrows as you glance over your shoulder at the array of other choices staring at you—diapers, diaper pails, diaper pail bags, diaper rash creams. All the products sit neatly lined up on the shelf, mocking you. Mocking all the moms.
“Pick me! Pick me!” they shout, trying to get your full attention in between bites of popcorn.
And what I really want to do is grab you by the shoulders and both yell and whisper sweetly at the same time: it doesn’t matter. None of that stuff matters. It doesn’t matter that you don’t have a clue what you’re doing or buying because I’m going to let you in on a little secret:nobody does.
Nobody knows what they’re doing bringing fresh new babies into the world. We’re all clueless and equally terrified of doing everything wrong. We’re all just here, caught up in this newfound all-consuming love, trying to figure it out one day at a time, one mistake at a time, one too-expensive Target trip at a time.
I see the worry on your face, the anxiety in your heart, the ridiculous things you’re googling. It’s okay, it’s part of the process. I know you’re scared that life will never be the same, and you’re right—it won’t be. It will be both better and harder than the same, a truth you won’t fully understand until that squirmy seven pound baby is in your arms.
I am only two measly years ahead of you, but rest assured: I have learned more about motherhood in these past two years than I did in the 26 years leading up to that first positive pregnancy test. And while I have so much to tell you, gentle advice and encouragement to offer, I know that you will never fully comprehend any of this until that baby is here. Yet still, I cannot help myself….here is what I want you to know:
You will be different. You will see parts of yourself that are unrecognizable, brought only to the surface by the sheer fact that another human is suddenly dependent on you for everything. You will be anxious, you will worry, you will feel overprotective like you have never felt before. You will simultaneously need space and not need space because all you want to do is be alone and also never leave your baby with anyone else. You will uncover a plethora of mom-related judgements that were hiding in your heart all along, and one by one they will fall by the wayside as you realize just how hard and messy and glorious this calling of motherhood actually is. You will learn to love fiercely and wildly without expectations, and for the first time in your whole life, your heart will default to selflessness—a part of you that always existed but was buried deep down inside—waiting for this moment, this change, this baby, this occasion to rise. 
Your body will be different. Some parts will get bigger while other parts will shrink; it’s weird and miraculous and confusing most of the time. You will hate your body some days and love your body other days. Give yourself grace. When you’re having a hard time offering yourself grace, take a shower and blow dry your hair. Treat yourself to a new pair of jeans when you're ready to wear jeans again. Get the expensive kind (tell your husband I said it was okay). Remind yourself that your body grew and sustained a human, and that those faint stretch marks on your belly are the well-earned marks of a warrior. 
Your marriage will be different. You and your spouse will see each other with a whole new set of eyes: a brand new microscope on each others’ triumphs and failures. One of you will be “too carefree” and one of you will be “too careful”—you will learn to meet in the middle, eventually. You will trust each other like you’ve never trusted anyone before, and you will learn to love each other as parents, which is a different kind of love. Your date nights will be sparse. Your sex life will be slow. Be patient, be patient, be patient. You'll be tempted to keep score of everything: the number of times you get up in the middle of the night, the number of diapers you've changed, who did the dishes last, whose job is harder. Listen to me carefully, momma. Score-keeping has no place in your marriage. Throw that scorecard away. The best thing you can do for yourself and for each other is to say “thank you” and “I love you” every single day. Be grateful, be appreciative, offer each other grace upon grace upon grace. It is easier said than done, but trust me in this: you both need it now more than ever. 
Your house will be different. You will often feel overwhelmed by the mess, the piles of dishes, the sticky surfaces and crumbs. But one day there will be a trail of cheerios on the floor marking where your baby has been and what he has seen, and you'll realize that those cheerios make your house feel more like a home than any fresh flower arrangement ever could, and that epiphany will make you smile. One day your toddler will run down the hallway in his footy pajamas and you will want to capture that sound in a bottle for all of eternity because there is no better sound to wake up to (excluding the coffee maker). Your house will be messier, more chaotic, and less conducive to hosting company, but you will love it a hundred times more because it has never felt more like home.
Your whole life will be different. Every single day you will wake up with the responsibility of loving a child beyond measure. It will affect every decision you make, every thought you have, every fiber of your very existence. You will slowly learn to let go of control and expectations, a process you will practice every day for the rest of your life as a parent. You will start to see the world as a mom—you will see love and God and humanity through new eyes that will change you and mold you and make you more aware of how small you are and how big God is.
A void will be fulfilled that you didn’t even know existed. Can you remember the first time you saw a sunrise? The first time your toes felt sand? The first time you tasted chocolate? Probably not; you were too young to remember. Five minutes before those experiences happened you were just cruising right along, thinking life was great as is. But then, you saw that stunning orange sunrise and you felt that warm sand between your toes and you tasted that delicious piece of chocolate and youknew. You knew life just became infinitely better in every way because you experienced magicAnd motherhood is kind of like that, only a million times better.
So keep on shoppin, momma. You just dropped a piece of popcorn down your shirt but don’t worry, nobody noticed. And remember what I said about the baby wipes: that stuff doesn’t matter.

Blog post credit:

Sunday, January 3, 2016


I absolutely adore this little babe of mine, but reading stories about women who love being pregnant and talking to mom's everyday at my job, I realized that I really don't like it, at all. Every moment I'm complaining to my fiance about something that hurts, I'm always uncomfortable, my stomach itches like crazy, my boobs itch(sorry but they do), I can feel my heartbeat in my back, im always hungry, i have thirst moments, where i literally cant drink enough water no matter what i do, I don't enjoy the feeling of being pregnant.
I do love my little babe. His little kicks here and then are little reminders of why I'm doing this.
I love my fiance. Without him, I don't know if my head would be on straight. I'd be a chicken running loose with its head chopped off.
Dumb as it sounds, ice cream and Dr Pepper can fix ANYTHING.
My job makes me happy. I haven't had a job in a long time where I was happy to get up and go but working there makes me happy and I love my job.
Melissa and joey. I have been binge watching Melissa and Joey on Netflix and I haven't laughed this much in a long long time. It makes me really happy.
I might not like the feeling of being pregnant, but little things remind me to be happy and that in 6 weeks I'll be a full time mom raising the sweetest little babe in the world, and nothing makes me happier.