Saturday, February 6, 2016

Labor story

Saturday: Throughout the week I had been having contractions, but they either lasted a few hours and we're close, or were far apart and lasted all day, but I didn't do anything about it because me being me, I wanted myles to come on his due date. Saturday, Jan 29th, rolled around and I was fine all day at work. I got home, relaxed, hung out with my fiance, it was a great day. Around 8 I started getting a really bad contraction,  but it was a persistent pain, it lasted almost an hour long, I called the doctor, took a bath to calm it down and decided not to go into the hospital, against my mom's advice. I then went to bed and called it a night.
Sunday: Sunday morning I woke up at 2 in the morning, covered in my sweat, all along my back, and I thought I was dying. But I ignored it, went to the bathroom, like I did every few hours, and went back to bed. I woke up an hour later, and I thought I peed my pants. I went, realized I didnt, thought I was sweating again, and went back to bed. This happened every hour, on the hour,  until about 10 am when I got up to grab a dress out of the dryer, and I, at the time thought, that I peed my pants. But I didn't think I did because it felt different, but I was mad at myself because I was so disappointed in myself that I would do that. Ashamed I changed, and jumped back into bed after leaving my doctor a voicemail about what was going on. I slept in until 2 and thought it happened again. This time, I woke Taylor up and told him we needed to go into the hospital because my water mightof broke and I was scared. 
It took us about an hour to get up and dressed and out the door with everything that we needed. 
We finally got there, told the nurses what I thought was going on, and they got us into a room. They got us all settled in, I got dressed and they came and checked to see if my water had actually broke, and it had. I think at this point Taylor was more excited than I was, I was terrified, I was 2 weeks early and I didn't feel ready. I was dialated to a 3 and my doctor had been notified and he said I had 24 hours from when it broke to have this baby, and since it broke at 2 we had 12 hours to have him.
Labor: Being in actual labor really wasn't that bad. The contractions felt like really bad cramps, and with all the emotions running around inside of me I hardly noticed them. They had to up the drug to make the contractions closer together, I was stuck at a 5 for a few hours, and around 10 pm I decided to get an epidural. Best decision of the whole thing. I couldn't feel a thing.

Monday morning: I had been trying to get Myles to turn around at this point by laying sideways on a peanut pillow when I felt a sharp pain in my right side. It was horrible. I complained about it to the nurse and so she decided to check me. I was fully dialated and ready to have this baby. She called the doctor and we began trial pushes. At this point I was so confussed with everything going on around me, people were coming in the room, the nurse was trying to talk to me, Taylor was excited and trying to help me, I was so out of it, that when I finally saw the doctor came in I just focused on him. At 1:21 AM I had my beautiful baby boy! Words can't explain the emotions I felt that morning. He is beyond perfect and I am so blessed to be his mama!!
The next days were a blur, I got discharged Wednesday afternoon but we had to do a hotel stay at the hospital while Myles had to stay another night under a billi light, but we all finally went home Thursday afternoon and it has been an eventful week since. 
I might be beyond tired and figuring out all this mama stuff, trying to not mess up and be a good mom, but I know it's all worth it, my family is everything to me and I'm so excited!!

First nap at home!

Few hours after Myles was born

Mom & Dad patiently waiting for baby Myles to come

Moments after birth

Aunt chloe meeting Myles for the first time!

Mama & Myles

Grandma & Aunts meeting Myles for the first time

Myles with his grandpa

Waitin for Myles  (:

Myles with great grandma & grandpa

With uncle Lee

My cute little family ♡

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