Monday, November 23, 2015

5 things to de-stress your days

Third trimester is said to be the hardest of your pregnecy.  I'm tired all of the time, I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm stressed, i never want to go out and do things when I can snuggle up and watch movies all day, my feet are always hurting, my tummy itches all the time from the stretching and all the marks are becoming more noticeable. This little boy inside me isn't making this easy, but he's sure worth it, I wouldn't trade him for the world.

With all this stress building up inside of me I've come up with a list of 5 things to help de-stress yourself. Pregnet or not I've always had a problem with over stressing myself and here's some tricks I've learned:

1. Take the day off.
    It might seem a little crazy to take an entire day off from work and chores and all the little things that need to get done, but I've noticed that if I take a day to myself, whether it's reading a book or getting my nails done,  or fun day out with the girls, and i dont allow myself to even think about the world going on around me, I'm a lot happier when I fall asleep, and I'm happier when I wake up the next day. Yes I still have things to do, but my whole attitude has changed because I took time to myself.

2. Organize
    Don't try to accomplish everything all at once. Sometimes we girls like to plan and plan and plan until it seems like there's not enough time to accomplish everything and then we put ourselves down because we didn't finish everything we wanted to accomplish. We put ourselves down for not organizing our time and putting too much pressure upon ourselves.  Whenever I have a ton to do in a day, or want to do in a day, I pull out my phone and i have a cute little app called keep. I use this app to list all my goals for the day, then I go and organize them in the order of importance.  Not only does writing them down help me, but sometimes I notice things on there that don't need to be done until a later date, so i can easily put it aside and move on with my day.

3. Hobbies
    Growing up i would always get asked in class or during job interviews, what are your hobbies? And i always thought it was funny when people would ask me that. I wanted a job, why do you want to know what I do on my free time? But now working for a company where I sometimes get to interview people I see the reasoning. People are always busy. Always thinking. We are constantly on the move. Hobbies are things that we do to relax, what we do for fun. In a job setting they want to see if you know how to de-stress yourself outside of work, to see how you spend free time. Find something you love and do it when you can. It helps release those nasty toxins in your body and relaxes yourself and you'll be 10x's happier.

4. Reward yourself
    Sometimes we forget to do this, after you've completed a task in the day, or after a long day after work, reward yourself. Wether it's laying down for a nap, watching an episode of your favorite t.v. show, eating icecream, drinking a coke, or simply telling yourself good job, do it. Studies show that the more you focus on the good that you've done, and the more you reward yourslef, the happier you'll be and more motivated to improve on yourself. If you mess up or are having a hard time, don't put yourself down. Take a break and try again later, find a way to work through it.

5. Sleep
    This to me is the most obvious way to de-stress yourself but sometimes it's the hardest. Sleep resets your body & mind and prepares it for the day ahead. If you're not sleeping or getting enough sleep your body isn't getting the startup boost that it needs to get you through the day. If you don't get enough sleep throughout the night take a nap in the day, help your body out. It needs it, you need it, and you'll be happier if you do.

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